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Buchheimer Str. 4
91465 Ergersheim Germany
+49 9847 989-0
The company is a limited liability company (GmbH) headquartered in 91465 Ergersheim, registered at the register court Fürth, HRB 13295
Managing Director:
Jacob Lambert Gerrit Jan Snel
Dr. Michael Alexander Scheffold
VAT Tax ID: DE 815333342
Editorial Responsibility
MEKRAtronics GmbH
Buchheimer Str. 4
91465 Ergersheim
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As a provider, MEKRAtronics GmbH is liable for its own content according to generally applicable legal provisions. The website content was created with great care. Due to the technical characteristics of the Internet, however, MEKRAtronics GmbH cannot assume liability for its accuracy, completeness and currentness.
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By pointing to such offerings, MEKRAtronics GmbH provides the user with access to "third-party content", which MEKRAtronics GmbH, however, has no control over, including its design. MEKRAtronics GmbH can only be held liable for the above-mentioned third-party content, if it has specific knowledge thereof or of the fact that the content is unlawful and/or illegal, and insofar as MEKRAtronics GmbH is technically able and can be reasonably expected to prevent its use. For this reason, links and cross-references are inspected for any legal violations at the time the links are activated. At the time of link activation, no illegal and/or unlawful content was evident.
Unless specifically notified of any illegal and/or unlawful content, MEKRAtronics GmbH cannot be reasonably expected to monitor cross-referenced contents continuously, due to the dynamic nature of both the Internet and the links. MEKRA GmbH is only obliged to remove a cross-reference when, through its own discovery and/or through third-party notification, it gains specific knowledge of the illegal content of such cross-reference. MEKRAtronics GmbH requests notification of any infringement of third-party rights caused by a cross-reference and will investigate any such notification immediately. Should the investigation confirm the existence of illegal and/or unlawful content, MEKRAtronics GmbH will remove the infringing cross-reference.
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Please read our Privacy Policy
MEKRA Lang has taken great care in creating the catalog data. However, the company assumes no liability for any errors or omissions with regard to schemes, drawings, matching OE codes, images, etc., and reserves the right to modify the content at any time without prior notification.
Any of the vehicle manufacturers' part numbers and trade names contained in the catalog are used for comparison purposes only.
Our offer is exclusively intended for entrepreneurs/businesses (“Unternehmer”) as defined in § 14 BGB. Any contractual relationships are subject to our Terms and Conditions.
The copyrights of the following images are owned by MEKRAtronics GmbH and MEKRA Lang GmbH & Co. KG
Company pictures
Product images
Pictures of the application examples
The rest of the photos are from